Things That A Guest Blogger Should Remember


Guest Blogging is one of the best methods to promote your blog, no matter, whether you are a new Blogger or an experienced one. People do not use PPC campaign to promote their Blogs because the conversion rate (sales made compared with the number of visitors) is very low, but the question is - is there any other advertising methods available for the Blogs? The answer is - YES! Blogs are very distinctive in nature, therefore the method of blog promotion is different than a forum or a traditional website. The main difference is - unlike the traditional websites; it is difficult to promote your blog through PPC campaigns because it will get outrageously expensive. You can promote your blog through Guest posting to other high PR Blogs, by posting tutorials, by sharing videos and leaving comments in other Blogs with your blog link. In this article, we will mainly be concentrating on the basic aspects that you should remember while you are promoting your blog as a guest Blogger. Here are the brief details about those aspects.

Quality Content - as we know, "content is king", frankly speaking - it is not completely true! Because if you use any copied content from any other website/blog, then surely you are in big trouble, as well as - if you do not perform any research before writing, then it is another problem for you. So, it is suggested that, if you want to create a effective, perfect and eye-catchy post for someone, then do a detailed research on the subject, do not copy, double check the information and then write your quality post. Only quality content can prove you as an "Expert" guest Blogger.

Build Relationship - achievement as a guest Blogger is not limited to get more traffic in your blog or exchange traffic between one or more Blogs, rather it is a way to build relationships with other bloggers/webmasters and his/her readers. So, don't be selective, discuss with other Bloggers and ask him/her for their requirements or what their visitor wants to read and based on that prepare your post. This way, you can recognize the users taste and choices; this experience can help you a lot while you are preparing post for your blog.

Use Keyword - while you are going to submit your guest post to other blog, keep in mind that you must mention the keywords/long tail keywords so that other Blogger can easily add them into the post "Labels". Basically, keywords/long tail keywords are intuitive and depend on Blogger choice; so, it is quite natural that, two Bloggers can define the representation of the same keyword differently.

Use Images - no one is interested to read boring text; remember - an image can speak hundreds of words. So, enhance your posts with graphs, charts, tables and other informative and related images with explanation, so that your readers can easily understand the post topics. Additionally, optimize the images with your keywords. A keyword-optimized image can be easily visible in the search results. For example: you are using a sales forecasting graph, so, instead of giving the chart name - image1.jpg, rename it like - sales_forecast.jpg, as a result of this, your image can be visible in Google and other image searches.

Proper Format - formatting is the way of representation of the information that you want to serve to your readers. So, keep in mind that, the information or the post organized such a way that people can easily find their desired information easily. Additionally, some Blogs have their specific style to post the contents, if you supply them the post with their style, then simply it reduce the work of the other Blogger and save his/her time accordingly.

Don't Be A Poster - as we know, a good speaker always is a good listener; it is recommended that you don't just publish your articles, rather try to involve your readers with the conversation and ask them for their review/criticism. Once you encourage your readers involvement, they surprisingly will be adding input into your subject, they research on your post and inform you with the latest updates and other relevant information.

Post Something Unique - do not post generic articles. It is proved that Blogger filled with latest and unique information draw more visitors. Readers can only read the subject if they find something interesting in it. Additionally, a generic post can push you lower in the search engine rankings, because in that case you have to compete with older and similar Bloggers. If you post something new and unique, then surely readers will attract towards your post. New information could get you a lot of Facebook likes, stumbles and mentions on Google plus, which will drive a lot more visitors to your website.

If you follow those basic things during your post, then surely you'll increase your and your Blog's popularity as a guest Blogger.

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