Using Affiliate Software To Boost Your Sales

Affiliate Software

In the field of affiliate marketing software, there is a side for sellers and a side for normal affiliates, we are going to discuss the side of the normal affiliates first and in the second part of the article, you will find a discussion about affiliate software for sellers.

The field of marketing and affiliate software is very important because it enable individuals and companies to automate certain tasks that would be impossible or extremely difficult to do without computers or affiliate software. When you want to work as an affiliate marketer, you only have to register at the page of the merchant and the merchant will give you links that are what you are going to use to promote the website and you will be given access to the member's area to be able to use the advertisement banner codes created by the seller.

The Many Kinds of Commissions

There are many kinds of arrangement in the affiliate game.

  • Pay Per Sale
  • The most known is pay per sale, where the seller will pay you when a sale is done. The affiliate software from the merchant may or may not send an email to the affiliate when a sale is done, but you always could go into your statistics to see your visitors and sales.

  • Pay Per Lead
  • Also known as CPA (cost per action), where the seller will pay you whenever a client makes some action, like filling a form, sending an email or calling to a telephone number for more information. Generally speaking, it is easier to make a sale with this kind of offers because there is not sale or presell involved in the process on your part.

  • Pay Per Click
  • In the pay per click arrangement the seller will pay you when a click to the advertised program is made. Not popular among merchants because the high probability of fraud that could happen.

How Sellers Know That You Made The Sale?

Within the affiliate members area, you will find special links that have unique codes assigned to them that will identify you to the affiliate software when a purchase is made. The buyer don't need to purchase the product immediately, because those links also put cookies into the client's PC, those cookies are special codes that could tell the seller which was the partner that referred the sale when it is completed even years after, as long the client didn't changed their PC, is used another browser or deleted the cookies (most users don't even know what cookies are).

How To Select The Right Niches For Fast Earnings?

As an affiliate, there are many affiliate programs you could choose to promote and you have to be very wise to choose one that doesn't have much competition in order to have successful sales, because when there is a lot of competition, sales are harder to get, advertising will be more expensive and all the venture becomes riskier. A very good affiliate software for users that will make your life much easier is affiliate elite, which will reveal some niches with low competition and high demand.

Affiliate Software For Companies

If you are a company that want more exposure in the marketplace, without incurring into much risks, you could start your very own affiliate program using affiliate software where you will have a lot of people promoting your products and only pay them when sales are made. This is a perfect arrangement for companies that need more exposure in the marketplace, but don't want to take more risks, in fact this model is so effective that is hard to believe that some merchants still don't have their affiliate program in place.

There are many options to set up an affiliate program for your own company.

  • a) If you have a physical product:

    • Commission Junction
    • The best known affiliate network out there for physical products. They will handle all for you, banner distribution to affiliates, communication with affiliates and payments, but it will not be cheap to set up an affiliate program with them.

    • Shareasale
    • Not so well known, but they are recognized to have the best tracking to sales for affiliates and although their interface looks somewhat clumsy, they are very professional and it will be cheaper to work with them than CJ.

    • Linkshare
    • Not well known, but a good option too.

  • b) If you have a digital product:

  • If your product is downloadable directly from the Internet, you have these options:

    • ClickBank
    • Clickbank is the grandaddy for delivering digital products and they will manage all for you, they will track commissions and will pay to your affiliates always on time, which makes them a very good option for your business. They charge 7% of the sale and a little fixed amount for every sale, not cheap, but for digital products is very acceptable because of the high margins.

    • PayDotCom
    • This is a smaller networks and will take care of the tracking, but will not pay the affiliates for you. You will have to make the payments to them each month.

In either case, you always have the chance to create your own closed affiliate program purchasing specialized affiliate software, independently from these networks. There are many things to consider if you do it this way, because there are advantages and disadvantages when you use your own affiliate software.

The disadvantages are that you must do all the work to pay affiliates every month and you will have to resolve any issues that may appear with your affiliate program and this is the most important reason you will probably need a dedicated person for this work called "affiliate manager". The affiliate manager will be the one that builds relationships with affiliates and clear all doubts about commissions earned, promotions and requirements you have to comply to promote a product and how the use the affiliate software to earn more money, while defending the brand that is promoted using affiliate marketing.

The advantages are that you can setup your affiliate program exactly as you like, for example: You could create contests, also you could pay better to some affiliate based on different things and you could make custom programming to the affiliate software to make it work exactly like you want if the source of the affiliate software is given to you (almost nobody will give you the source code to modify their software because of the risk of copy).

The Best Affiliate Software To Make Your Own Affiliate Program

All those reasons make this affiliate software, hands down, the most powerful, effective affiliate software platform for companies that want to host their own in-house affiliate program, without having to pay too much for doing it.


In this day and age, companies that don't have an affiliate program to help their businesses will come to an end because of increasing advertising costs and competion, but the smart ones that seek individuals to promote their offers for free and get paid only when sales are made will thrive in any state of the economy. Finally, you should treat your affiliates well because they will be the livehood of your business and do yourself a favor and promote your affiliate program aggressively in order to make it successful. Lastly, ensure that your affiliate software works flawlessly because the trust of your affiliates on you depends on this.

Hostmonster Is Enough To Have Success On The Web?


Many inexperienced people think that they only have to publish some web page on the Internet and millions will be pouring to their bank accounts the next day and this is simply not true. Even if you choose a good hosting company to host your business, it won't mean a thing if you are unable to get traffic to your website. But before we discuss ways to get people to your website, let us talk about some of the problems could be avoiding for your website.

Technology Is Like A Mine Field

Software and Hardware technology is very complicated and many things could go wrong with almost everything. Even things that you take for granted and seem to be very easy to use, could get messed instantly if you don't take the necessary care. That is why so important to choose a company with lots of experience in this field. Sure, it is possible to find bad testimonials about Hostmonster, but if you dig deeper into the comments made by these people, you will find that in most cases these people were expecting unreal service from a shared hosting provider. A shared hosting provider is cheap because they "share" the same space between many customers and they must limit the resources consumed by individual clients in several ways.

The Limits of Hostmonster

Hostmonster limit their users in several ways. First there is number of files you could create and the limit is 50 thousand. They tell you that they offer unlimited disk space, but you know that it is impossible that resources be unlimited in this physical world, so you don't have limits in the disk space used, but you will only be allowed to create 50,000 files. Misleading for some, but I think that it is easier for the average customer understand the unlimited thing. Anyway, very few people will reach ever this limit by normal usage of their account.

The other limit of Hostmonster is based on resource usage. Hostmonster don't give you a limit on bandwidth, but you there is a limit on resource consumption, which is 5% of all the server resources for all your websites. As Hostmonster offer you to host unlimited number of domains on each account (which makes it an excellent deal if you are just starting out) you will find it extremely cheap if you want to host more than one domains, but you should watch the resource consumption of you combined websites, because that could not be more than 5% all the server resources. Be careful to optimize your website so you don't reach any of these limits, or you will be contacted by Hostmonster to move your site somewhere else, which will cause you a lot of pain.

Getting Traffic To Your Hostmonster Account

Traffic is the most important issue for websites and getting traffic is the most difficult task for any webmaster. You could get traffic to your Hostmonster account in several ways but every traffic method is difficult to make it work because of competition. You could write articles, but each won't get many traffic, you could make videos, but also, each won't bring you a massive amount of traffic the same is true with search engine optimization. With PPC you could drive thousands of people to your pages, but will cost you a fortune. The real trick to getting traffic is doing massive things. If one article gets you 22 visits a year and you need 15,000 visitors a month, then you will have to write 8,181 articles to achieve that. If you are unable to write all those by yourself, you could pay someone to do it, or a complete team to do it for you. Normally you could find people to write a decent article for $10, so all the effort will cost you $81,810 dollars to complete, but when done, you will be getting a lot of traffic to your Hostmonster hosted websites and will have a job quitting income.

Now you know what it takes to have success on the Internet, so get your Hostmonster account today.

Things That A Guest Blogger Should Remember


Guest Blogging is one of the best methods to promote your blog, no matter, whether you are a new Blogger or an experienced one. People do not use PPC campaign to promote their Blogs because the conversion rate (sales made compared with the number of visitors) is very low, but the question is - is there any other advertising methods available for the Blogs? The answer is - YES! Blogs are very distinctive in nature, therefore the method of blog promotion is different than a forum or a traditional website. The main difference is - unlike the traditional websites; it is difficult to promote your blog through PPC campaigns because it will get outrageously expensive. You can promote your blog through Guest posting to other high PR Blogs, by posting tutorials, by sharing videos and leaving comments in other Blogs with your blog link. In this article, we will mainly be concentrating on the basic aspects that you should remember while you are promoting your blog as a guest Blogger. Here are the brief details about those aspects.

Quality Content - as we know, "content is king", frankly speaking - it is not completely true! Because if you use any copied content from any other website/blog, then surely you are in big trouble, as well as - if you do not perform any research before writing, then it is another problem for you. So, it is suggested that, if you want to create a effective, perfect and eye-catchy post for someone, then do a detailed research on the subject, do not copy, double check the information and then write your quality post. Only quality content can prove you as an "Expert" guest Blogger.

Build Relationship - achievement as a guest Blogger is not limited to get more traffic in your blog or exchange traffic between one or more Blogs, rather it is a way to build relationships with other bloggers/webmasters and his/her readers. So, don't be selective, discuss with other Bloggers and ask him/her for their requirements or what their visitor wants to read and based on that prepare your post. This way, you can recognize the users taste and choices; this experience can help you a lot while you are preparing post for your blog.

Use Keyword - while you are going to submit your guest post to other blog, keep in mind that you must mention the keywords/long tail keywords so that other Blogger can easily add them into the post "Labels". Basically, keywords/long tail keywords are intuitive and depend on Blogger choice; so, it is quite natural that, two Bloggers can define the representation of the same keyword differently.

Use Images - no one is interested to read boring text; remember - an image can speak hundreds of words. So, enhance your posts with graphs, charts, tables and other informative and related images with explanation, so that your readers can easily understand the post topics. Additionally, optimize the images with your keywords. A keyword-optimized image can be easily visible in the search results. For example: you are using a sales forecasting graph, so, instead of giving the chart name - image1.jpg, rename it like - sales_forecast.jpg, as a result of this, your image can be visible in Google and other image searches.

Proper Format - formatting is the way of representation of the information that you want to serve to your readers. So, keep in mind that, the information or the post organized such a way that people can easily find their desired information easily. Additionally, some Blogs have their specific style to post the contents, if you supply them the post with their style, then simply it reduce the work of the other Blogger and save his/her time accordingly.

Don't Be A Poster - as we know, a good speaker always is a good listener; it is recommended that you don't just publish your articles, rather try to involve your readers with the conversation and ask them for their review/criticism. Once you encourage your readers involvement, they surprisingly will be adding input into your subject, they research on your post and inform you with the latest updates and other relevant information.

Post Something Unique - do not post generic articles. It is proved that Blogger filled with latest and unique information draw more visitors. Readers can only read the subject if they find something interesting in it. Additionally, a generic post can push you lower in the search engine rankings, because in that case you have to compete with older and similar Bloggers. If you post something new and unique, then surely readers will attract towards your post. New information could get you a lot of Facebook likes, stumbles and mentions on Google plus, which will drive a lot more visitors to your website.

If you follow those basic things during your post, then surely you'll increase your and your Blog's popularity as a guest Blogger.

There Is No Such Thing As The Perfect Host. Hostmonster Breaks That Rule?


We will see if Hostmonster could be good choice for your business.

If you are strong-willed to construct a venture on the world wide web and you by now have elected to host your small business on a paid platform, which is the proper choice by the way, you maybe by now recognize that Hostmonster is a website hosting business that has an awful lot of sound exposure and very good customer reviews that you could count on.

Planning a new website is not an easy task and you should be cautious where you put your efforts in the online world for the reason that a poor choice will make your life very unpleasant, having to deal with technical urgencies and making you crazy in relation to things like: IP addresses, hackers, firewalls and many other things that happen in the technology world. An associate that is expert on all the matters of technology is necessary to decipher all the tribulations that could appear while running the business and getting a solution fast is imperative if your site is making money.

Price Based Selection Only?

Something that is extraordinarily imperative to remark is that you should not go for a provider merely because it is cheap, but you must ensure that they bring stable servers (such as Hostmonster does), because that is very essencial for sucess. No one buy from a blank page after viewing an error page. That is why you be supposed to choose a hosting platform like Hostmonster, which will bring you every application you necessitate to make business over the Web and provide you all the help you require to get your Internet site published without delay. You could be confident that paying for advertising won't be an expense because your website will be prepared to receive potential buyers at all times.

The Problem With Technology

Technical problems, scripts that unexpectedly fail to work, files that fade away unexpectedly are several of the troubles you are going to face at some time if you are not hosting your web site with a tried company like Hostmonster. Still, you will find some unenthusiastic comments about Hostmonster on the world wide web, but those in general were made by people expecting too much for a share hosting plan (where many customers share the same server without knowing) and tried to host very big websites. Although Hostmonster never limit the disk room, they put a check on the percentage of CPU used by you and if you pass this threshold, your site could be in probation and requested to move to a dedicated server, but if you have that kind of website, you should be using at least a VPS. Although Hostmonster don't put a limit on the disk space used, you could host a maximum of fifty thousand files. Please don't use Hostmonster as a free backup service, because they don't allow this, only publish files that are public to be shown on your website.

Reputation of Hostmonster

Hostmonster is a extraordinarily well-known corporation because they are hosting more than 600,000 domain names and counting. You don't get that enormous bringing low excellence services, so you could certainly count that you will obtain top notch service to host your Web. The most important advantage of being with Hostmonster is that you would have world class support when harmful things materialize to your Internet presence. This events are not normal, but when they occur, you better have competent collaboration as they are dreadfully difficult to resolve. Newbies simply get crazy when something of this happens to their websites.

They offer unconstrained space, bandwidth and full aid so you don't have to be professional on internet hosting and you could focus in your company without fears, which is the most significant thing you may perhaps ever do to your small business.


So, it is better to go for a hosting conglomerate like Hostmonster which can make your time more fun because they are capable to deal with all the technical dilemmas that you shouldn't even see. There is no superior alternative than selecting a large enterprise that has loads of know-how and a good deal of content consumers which may perhaps give peace of mind when dealing with some troubles you will face, being or not at Hostmonster.

Hostmonster Coupon: The Best And The Cheapest.

Best Hostmonster Coupons

Hostmonster has become very popular these days. In fact gone are days when web hosting was thought to be an expensive process. The importance and utility of internet, as a mode of communication, has increased greatly and with it has increased the technical awareness as well as dependence of different organizations on it. If people and organizations can have their own web hosting capabilities, then they can make their company known to people around the world. Because there is no one denying the fact that internet is the biggest and fastest mode of communication today.

Prices Going Down And Down

When web hosting initially became popular, it was very costly. Small organizations and entrepreneurs, who do not afford to spend huge amount of money, were facing hardships trying to promote their products and services by web hosting. But these days, Hostmonster Coupon and other discounts available are providing people very affordable prices. This really helps smaller organizations, who were earlier losing ground to bigger companies. Hostmonster offers surprisingly cheap discount rates and in fact has made web hosting possible for minor or new organizations.

How To Get The Discount?

Various websites are there where one can avail himself of these discount cards. We don’t have to go outside to obtain these cards and the process is very simple, you just click the link provided by any legitimate web partner of Hostmonster and the discount will be shown automatically when you pay for your package. In fact Hostmonster Coupon may be just one click away for the individual or organization that is looking for web hosting at really cheap prices.

Discount coupons are useful and omnipresent in every sphere of our life, which concerns buying and selling. Hostmonster does not only provide discounts, but they are offering really cheap rates with an awesome service and anybody that hosted some site in the past knows how important is that for the success of any website. Moreover before actually starting to use Hostmonster Coupon, we can go into the website, where it is available and can take a look at different plans. We can decide for ourselves, which scheme to use and then decide accordingly. Usually it is for a period of 1 year, but there are no hard and fast rules as far as its validity is concerned. Then after its expiry, it can be renewed.

Hostmonster Coupon as it is seen as good to small scale organizations. But bigger organizations can as well make use of this. It will help save some money. It is clear that Hostmonster is offering a very useful discount because it comes also with very good service and a lot of software that will help you build awesome website without paying more for hosting each one of them, since Hostmonster offer unlimited number of domains on a single account.

It is easy to understand why this has helped Hostmonster stay ahead of the game when compared with similar discount cards and it is no wonder everybody is looking for Hostmonster Coupon when web hosting is needed.

Get It Now
Go to the link above and start hosting your website for cheap on one of the most reputable hosting companies of the world using a Hostmonster coupon